Fully qualified criminal defence lawyers
The firm currently has 8 fully qualified criminal defence solicitors, each with between 17 and 46 years experience. Many of our lawyers also have higher court rights that permit them to appear in all of the higher criminal courts in the country including the Crown Court, the Court of Appeal and the highest court in the land the Supreme Court. This is something they do on a regular basis.
We deal with any sort of criminal investigation or prosecution, whether it is instigated by the police or any other body, such as fisheries, DWP, Local Authority, Trading Standards, Environment Agency, RSPCA, the Military, etc. Further, we have experience in representation at any related Coroner’s Court Inquests.
As you would expect form a large specialist firm we have experience in dealing with high profile, complex and serious cases. Moreover one of our offices is based very close to Bodmin Magistrates Court, and that court deals with all of the driving/road traffic offences from all over the South West. This means we have considerable experience in such matters, know the magistrates, more importantly they know and respect us and makes us ideally placed to assist.

Alleged Offence Interview
If you are to be interviewed in relation to an alleged offence whether as a volunteer or whilst under arrest we are available to help you 24 hours a day 365 days a year. Simply ask for us by name when you arrive at a police station or if you have the chance contact us in advance to arrange assistance.
Please remember that if you are going to be interviewed by a police officer whether at the police station or at your home you are entitled to have a solicitor attend and represent you and that attendance is free and will not cost you any money at all.
If the matter progresses to Court and if on the rare occasion you are not entitled to free representation we offer a flexible arrangement in relation to fees, often offering payment in instalments and generally offer a fixed fee for any case at the outset. We appreciate knowing how much something is going to cost at the outset is important.
Whether you are a private individual, a business, or a firm of solicitors looking for a reliable agent, please contact us.

Since our team consists of 8 solicitors with ‘duty solicitor’ status, so you can be sure that whichever one of us conducts your case, you will be being represented by a solicitor, who is a criminal law specialist.
Our lawyers:
- Steven Cox – Partner – qualified 2002
- Paul Burley – Partner – qualified 1995
- Barry Hilliard – Partner – qualified 1992
- Julian Berg – Consultant – qualified 1976
- Chris Mitchell – Consultant – qualified 2006
- Nicola Colwill – Consultant – qualified 1993
- Jon Holmes – Consultant – qualified 1975
- Alexis Hager – Consultant – qualified 2004
Steven Cox, Paul Burley and Barry Hilliard supervise the work undertaken by each other, and others working with the firm.
Each case will have a designated solicitor conducting the litigation, though from time to time, if unavoidable, others within the firm may undertake limited work upon your case if needs dictate.
The quality of service that we provide is of great importance to us and we monitor the quality and effectiveness of that service on an ongoing basis. If there is any aspect of our service which you are dissatisfied with or should you have a complaint, please raise it in the first instance with the lawyer nominated to conduct your case. If they are not able to resolve the matter to your satisfaction please contact Mr Paul Burley, who will investigate any issues that you raise. If you are still dissatisfied, you may contact The Legal Services Ombudsman at Legal Ombudsman, PO Box 6806, Wolverhampton, WV1 9WJ.
Their email address is enquiries@legalombudsman.org.uk and their telephone number 03005550333.
Please click the SRA logo at the bottom of our homepage for links with relevant information.
Fully qualified criminal defence lawyers
The firm currently has 8 fully qualified criminal defence solicitors, each with between 17 and 46 years experience. Many of our lawyers also have higher court rights that permit them to appear in all of the higher criminal courts in the country including the Crown Court, the Court of Appeal and the highest court in the land the Supreme Court. This is something they do on a regular basis.
We deal with any sort of criminal investigation or prosecution, whether it is instigated by the police or any other body, such as fisheries, DWP, Local Authority, Trading Standards, Environment Agency, RSPCA, the Military, etc. Further, we have experience in representation at any related Coroner’s Court Inquests.
As you would expect form a large specialist firm we have experience in dealing with high profile, complex and serious cases. Moreover one of our offices is based very close to Bodmin Magistrates Court, and that court deals with all of the driving/road traffic offences from all over the South West. This means we have considerable experience in such matters, know the magistrates, more importantly they know and respect us and makes us ideally placed to assist.
Alleged Offence Interview
If you are to be interviewed in relation to an alleged offence whether as a volunteer or whilst under arrest we are available to help you 24 hours a day 365 days a year. Simply ask for us by name when you arrive at a police station or if you have the chance contact us in advance to arrange assistance.
Please remember that if you are going to be interviewed by a police officer whether at the police station or at your home you are entitled to have a solicitor attend and represent you and that attendance is free and will not cost you any money at all.
If the matter progresses to Court and if on the rare occasion you are not entitled to free representation we offer a flexible arrangement in relation to fees, often offering payment in instalments and generally offer a fixed fee for any case at the outset. We appreciate knowing how much something is going to cost at the outset is important.
Whether you are a private individual, a business, or a firm of solicitors looking for a reliable agent, please contact us.
Since our team consists of 8 solicitors with ‘duty solicitor’ status, so you can be sure that whichever one of us conducts your case, you will be being represented by a solicitor, who is a criminal law specialist.
Our lawyers:
- Steven Cox – Partner – qualified 2002
- Paul Burley – Partner – qualified 1995
- Barry Hilliard – Partner – qualified 1992
- Julian Berg – Consultant – qualified 1976
- Chris Mitchell – Consultant – qualified 2006
- Nicola Colwill – Consultant – qualified 1993
- Jon Holmes – Consultant – qualified 1975
- Alexis Hager – Consultant – qualified 2004
Steven Cox, Paul Burley and Barry Hilliard supervise the work undertaken by each other, and others working with the firm.
Each case will have a designated solicitor conducting the litigation, though from time to time, if unavoidable, others within the firm may undertake limited work upon your case if needs dictate.
The quality of service that we provide is of great importance to us and we monitor the quality and effectiveness of that service on an ongoing basis. If there is any aspect of our service which you are dissatisfied with or should you have a complaint, please raise it in the first instance with the lawyer nominated to conduct your case. If they are not able to resolve the matter to your satisfaction please contact Mr Paul Burley, who will investigate any issues that you raise. If you are still dissatisfied, you may contact The Legal Services Ombudsman at Legal Ombudsman, PO Box 6806, Wolverhampton, WV1 9WJ.
Their email address is enquiries@legalombudsman.org.uk and their telephone number 03005550333.
Please click the SRA logo at the bottom of our homepage for links with relevant information.